Digital disrupt —
closed private
venture capital club
We believe that digital transformation is changing people's lives. Therefore, we created this professional venture club investing in disruptive digital projects around the world. Using our experience, networking and expertise, we help projects grow so that they change life around the world to the best.

Digital disrupt — closed private venture capital club
We believe that digital transformation is changing people's lives. Therefore, we created this professional venture club investing in disruptive digital projects around the world. Using our experience, networking and expertise, we help projects grow so that they change life around the world to the best.
For startups
Digital disrupt invest by itself and with its partners mainly in the following types of projects:
On-demand services that change people’s daily life and routines
Micro-mobility (kick sharing, car as a service)
Online education (new models of education in the changing world)
Applied artificial intelligence
Deep tech scientific inventions (new materials and technologies)
But if you didn't find yourself on this list, but think that your project is very cool — do not despair, send us your one pager anyway.
But if you didn't find yourself on this list, but think that your project is very cool — do not despair, send us your one pager anyway.
What we offer to STARTUPS
  • Search for a major customer/investor and launch a joint pilot
    If your project is in a pilot phase, and you need a major partner or means for piloting, we can recommend the project to partners of our Investment Club and find an investment package for the realization of the pilot. Large companies of our Investment Club can become your first clients, partners or investors. We give you the opportunity to be engaged in the project — focus on what you do best, providing you with investment and access to our network of partners.
  • Meetups platform for startups and entrepreneurs looking for investment, partnership and mentorship
    Often the teams absorbed by their idea forget to evaluate competitors, stakeholders, or form a different point of view to the project. Our online/offline meetups will help you look at your project differently, communication with other teams and expert community representatives will help to evaluate your project in a new way and perhaps provide the impetus for new ideas and collaborations.
  • Mentorship
    If you have a lack of experience and knowledge, our experienced experts will help and share their skills in solving complex issues. The most promising teams will be invited to our biannual Investment Club meetings in a closed circle of the professional community.
  • Promotion of startups worldwide
    Our Club includes worldwide partners in the digital industry, including venture funds. We will provide proactive support and access to a wide international network, help to develop a strategy to enter worldwide markets, provide legal advice and expert assessment of the project in this area.
  • Assistance in communication with major development funds and institutions
    Large foundations and development institutes have no problem finding projects/startups. These investors often are well-known and therefore they see a high flow of startups that want to get investment. Among other things, large funds are willing to invest in projects aimed at expansion in global markets, and sometimes put forward excessive selection requirements.
    Some of these funds are already members of our Club, while others are in the process of joining. This is why we will be able to establish communication between you. The most successful teams will be invited to biannual fundraising meetings, in a closed circle of the professional community.
What kind of STARTUP are we interested in
We are interested in early-stage (up to and including round A) startups that meet at least one of the following criteria:
MVP availability
Initial sales
Availability of test results of marketing hypotheses and product promotion channels
We will be glad to see you in our portfolio family.
For startups — join us!
Feel free to write us.